Imu-cet Study Materials

Study Materials

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Study-Materials For IMU-CET Exam & Sponsorship Test 2015
What does it take to crack the IMU-CET Exam  & Sponsorship Test 2015 ?

If you think it is only knowledge that will enable you to crack the IMU-CET,  !!!!!!!!!think again!!!!!!!!!
Knowledge can only take you so far !
You need the other ‘intangible’ qualities & smart Studying Strategies to make it
Our course structure is designed for optimum delivery while focusing on conceptual clarity, speed & accuracy resulting in peak performance.

We provide very comprehensive , result oriented Preparatory Books & Study Materials for IMU-CET Exam & Sponsorship Test 2015.

Preparatory Study-Materials & Books is now available for all the below listed courses.

Courses: (D G Shipping & IMU Approved)

  • DNS Leading To Bsc Nautical Science ( 1 year Cadet Course)
  • B.Sc Nautical  Science (3 years Course)
  • B.E Marine Engineering ( 4 years Course)
  • B.E Marine Lateral Entry ( 3 Years Course)
  • B.S Marine Engineering ( 4 Years Course)
  • B.S Nautical Technology (3 Years Course)
  • Graduate Mechanical Course ( 1 year Course)
  • G.P Rating (6 Months Course)
  • Saloon Rating (6 Months Course)

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Our Study-Materials & Preparatory Books  proves to be very helpful for the candidate preparing for IMU-CET Exam & Company Sponsorship Test 2015.
Our study materials are specially prepared , keeping in mind the requirements, syllabus, content, pictorial representation, detailed solutions, latest samples, changed syllabus & Pattern, Thus it enables an average students to compete & qualify the all entrance exam.

As far as contents are  concerned , Our Study-Materials covers all types of Problems & Questions Patterns generally asked in

  • IMU-CET 2015 Exam
  • Marine College Entrance Exam  &
  • Shipping Company Sponsorship Tests 2015

Our Study-Materials & Preparatory Books has Proved Very useful & Supportive for Preparation of Below Listed University CET, College Entrance & Sponsorship Test 2015:

  1. IMU-CET Exam 2015 (Indian Maritime University, Chennai)
  2. T.S Chanakaya College entrance  Exam
  3. MERI, Kolkatta
  4. Anglo Eastern Maritime Academy
  5. entrance/sponsorship Test
  6. Vishwakarma  Maritime Institute entrance/sponsorship Test
  7. Great Eastern Institute Of Maritime Studies
  8. Great Eastern Institute Of Maritime Studies
  9. Shipping Corporation Of India,Mumbai
  10. Samundra Institute Of Maritime Studies
  11. Tulani Maritime Institite
  12. MSC Sponsorship Test
  13. Maersk Sponsorship Test
  14. American Eagle Tankers
  15. Doehle Danautic Sponsorship Test
  16. Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement Sponsorship

Highlights Of Our Study-Materials 2015: 


Our comprehensive &  proven  course materialalong with regular Online Practice Sets cover every aspect of preparation. This learning is carried forward in their attitude and careers.


With full time faculty specially equipped to handle career and  exam preparation related questions, you can rest assure you are in safe hands.


One-to-one regular interactions and feedback sessions with our expert mentors and faculties offers an unparalleled  test preparedness and hand-holding for  career guidance.


Our course structure is designed for optimum delivery while focussing on conceptual  clarity, speed & accuracy resulting in  peak performance.

Our Expertise Guidelines & Supports.

Our well experienced experts team will always be ready to give entire support required by you.

Contents of our Study-Materials 2015:
IMU-CET Preparatory Books.

  • Sponsership Test Study Materials.
  • Interview Preparatory Guide.
  • Psynometric & 16 PF Basics.
  • Online Practice & Mock Test.
  • Access to “Student Login” Page for E-Materials.
  • 5000 MCQs Practice for reasoning aptitude.
  • Previous Papers of IMU & Sponsorship Test.
  • Guide & Introduction of Marine Worlds
  • More Practice Papers for Clearing Concepts for All topics and Many More…..

Success assured with our expert support & Guidelines.

Elaborated theoretical interpretation is the essential aspect for conceptual clarity; unless the fundamentals are clear, it would be difficult to understand the applied portions and the concepts of any topic/subject. Our study material has been designed aiming to eliminate these prevalent difficulties usually faced by the students. The study material contains extensive practice questions , which are prepared in point-wise format to make tough portions easy so as to create interest for learning among the students.

Our exhaustive study material serves dual purpose because it has been designed in such a manner that covers the academic as well as competitive syllabus. Although, emphasis has been laid focusing on the pattern of IMU-CET & Sponsorship Tests/ exams, yet students need not wander anywhere for the preparation of their academic examinations because it is so elaborated as it makes both ends meet. In order to make the study material comprehensive—several study aids like charts, figures, pictorial graphs and data in tabular form are given, and the key points are highlighted. The coherence between chapters, topics and sub-topics is well maintained making it easy to learn.
Our holistic study package includes topic wise solved examples, which are sequentially arranged to elucidate the concepts. Solved examples cover wide range of questions, which are based on myriad formats usually asked in IMU-CET Exam. Some extra questions based on CBSE & NCERT patterns are also supplemented for conceptual clarity. The solved examples are of great help to the students in attempting complex questions, which are meant to assess the concept of the students related to the subject, and this little number of questions turns out the differentiator, separating the winners from the losers.

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